April Is Women's Eye Health and Safety Month

Did you know that women are at higher risk for vision impairment and blindness than men, yet are less likely to receive treatment?


Prevent Blindness, the nation's leading non-profit eye health organization has declared April as Women's Eye Health and Safety Month in an effort to educate the public on the increased risk for women and vision health issues. The group provides a variety of free resources, including videos, fact sheets, and a listing of financial assistance programs.

According to the Society for Women's Health Research (SWHR), the following eye diseases and conditions occur more frequently in women:

  • Refractive Error - 26% more women than men over the age of 12 have uncorrected visual impairment due to refracted error
  • Dry Eye - Two times more women than men over the age of 50 have dry eye disease
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration - 65% of individuals in the United States with Age-Related Macular Degeneration are women
  • Cateract - 61% of individuals in the United States with cateract are women
  • Glaucoma - 67% of individuals in the United States with glaucoma are women
  • Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) - TED is 5-6 times more common in women than me

For more information on women's eye health, including fact sheets on eye diseases and eye protection, visit Prevent Blindness. Or reach out to MAB for assistance in helping to find local resources, 800-926-5466.

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