Braille, Large Print, Audio CD, and Accessible PDF Services
MAB's Accessible Document Services include:
- Braille, Large Print, Audio CD and Accessible PDF monthly billing, account statement rendering, and custom documents
- Transcription and print/audio services for any one-time or infrequently required document, requiring one or multiple copies
- The mastering and resale of Braille at primary and secondary levels.
We work with our clients to find the most cost effective solutions for their needs. Unlike other modified statement service providers, we accept your existing style of statement or allow you to design your own statement. Documents may be received in electronic data files as encrypted data sent over public networks, data sent to a file transfer protocol drop box, or data sent over a dedicated data line. ADS also accepts paper hardcopies, which can be scanned and edited by our editors for production in Braille, Large Print, Audio CD and Accessible PDF format. As a non-profit we are unique in the alternate printing industry in that all net revenues generated from our Braille, Large Print, Audio CD, and Accessible PDF products are used directly by our organization to serve the needs of people who are learning to cope with the challenges of blindness and visual impairment. Therefore, being a business partner with MAB means that your dollars are doubly effective in addressing the needs of your customers who are blind or visually impaired.
For more information please contact:
Metrolina Association for the Blind
704 Louise Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28204
Main: 704-372-3870
Fax: 704-887-0202