Statement Rendering Information
MAB's Accessible Document Services department converts monthly bills, account statement, and custom documents to Braille, Large Print, Audio CD, and Accessible PDF serving some of the largest banks, credit card providers, utilities and telecommunications companies in the United States. The visually impaired customers that benefit from this service reside throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Approximate usage per number of customers:
Approximately 0.25% of the nation's population are "legally blind". This includes the range of visual impairments from total blindness to acuities of 20/200 after correction. Active Braille readers make up about 15% of the "legally blind" population. Large print users account for about 55% of this same population. To determine the population or total potential customer base for Braille or large print readers, use the following calculations:
Braille Participants = Total Population x .0025 x .15
Large Print Participants = Total Population x .0025 x .55
Our experience suggests that approximately 25% of your customers who are Braille and large print users will actually subscribe to the "special" alternative printing services which you may offer. Therefore, the participant numbers calculated above would be multiplied again by 25% to get a more realistic number. For example, of every 1,000,000 customers in your service area, you can expect to have approximately 94 Braille and 344 large print subscribers once your special services are fully underway. These numbers are only estimates and will vary with your publicity efforts (1,000,000 x .0025 x .15 x .25 = 94 Braille; 1,000,000 x .0025 x .55 x .25 = 344 large print).
Braille, Large Print, Audio CD, and Accessible PDF statements will be printed or recorded in Charlotte, NC, and mailed directly to your visually impaired customers. Newsletters or inserts may also be produced for visually impaired subscribers, and mailed along as supplements with each customer's statement.
Single Service refers to those various documents which require transcription into Braille, large print, or audio CD, but may be for only one copy or a singular event. Legislation, employment procedures, good business practies and customer service may all require specific educational, governmental, hospitality, medical and other corporate communications and documents to be available in alternative formats for the visually impaired population. Typical single service requests include Braille menus, manuals for electronics and computers, employee and student handbooks, corporate Annual Reports, brochures, program agendas, voting materials, legal documents, etc.
Documents may be submitted to MAB's Accessible Document Services department in electronic data files or paper hardcopies for conversion to either Braille, Large Print, Audio CD, and/or Accessible PDF.
For more information please contact:
Metrolina Association for the Blind
704 Louise Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28204
Main: 704-372-3870
Fax: 704-887-0202